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The reviews are in.

“This series keeps getting better. I thought book 1 was good but book two was even better.” Tonya Peterson, Goodreads ★★★★★

“It's the mystery of this story that 1st grabbed my attention and it's the way secrets and lies are discovered and unlocked that kept me enthralled.” Bren, Goodreads ★★★★★

“King is a thrilling story with danger around every corner. Kings mission takes him to a family he didn’t remember. Their book is exciting and full of heat. You will definitely be left wanting more from the team and to find out if they will be able to get all their answers about deep 8 or not.” Tiffany Hannick, BookBub ★★★★★

"I was TOTALLY and COMPLETELY engrossed in this suspenseful, unique who-done-it with a healthy dose of panty-melting chemistry between Beck and Pippa! I couldn't flip the pages fast enough to get to the conclusion...and when I got there, I was so sad that it was over! I didn't want this book to end and for me, that makes this a definite 5 STAR read, one that I can't recommend highly enough! Kenzie Macallan is a shining star in the Indie community, DEFINITELY an author who needs to be heard!!! Now, excuse me while I dive into Wild (the first book in the Deep 8 series) I need MORE!!!!"

Jacquie, Goodreads ★★★★★


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